The center position is one of the strongest spots on the Blazers roster. ; And if you combine last seasons stats for Joel Pryzbilla and Greg Oden the numbers look pretty good. 13.4 pts, 15.7 rbs, 2.3 bks. ; What team wouldn't be happy with that? ;
Last season began with the Trailblazers annointing Greg as their starter at the 5 spot. ; It was and up and down year for the youngster from Ohio State. ; He started 39 games for Portland, had a career-high 24 points and 15 rebounds in a win against the Milwaukee Bucks on January 19. ; If he'd been able to average 36 minutes per game his PER would have been 14.8 pts, 11.6 rbs, and 1.9 bks. ; The season also had its low points for Oden. ; Not only did he have trouble staying in games due to foul trouble, ( his PER for fouls if he'd averaged 36 min was 6.5) he had physical problems as well and suffered an injury to his foot during his first game against the Lakers, and fractured his kneecap in February during a collision with Corey Magette and missed three weeks. ;
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