Welcome! ; This is my inaugural post on NBABasketballonline. ; I will not spend too much time initially on who I am, but will get into my thoughts and love for the NBA. ; In due course you should develop a clear indication of who I am and where I am coming from. ;
To make things clear right away though I am a Lakers fan. ; But beyond the Lakers I am a fan of the league. ; There exists no other medium where you can watch the most naturally gifted athletes battle night in and night out (well in the playoffs at least). ; The majority of my time is spent rooting for the Lake Show, but by no means does that mean I do not appreciate or any less fascinated with the supreme prowess of Tim Duncan or the fierce competitiveness of KG or the ridiculous all around offensive talents of Melo. ; I could comprise my entire initial blog with these adjective laden statements respecting the talents the NBA’s elite, but for our reading pleasure I will delve into more significant opinions I deem worth sharing with others. ;